Monday 23 July 2012

Dear Prospective Investor

Dear Prospective Investor
Similar to many, you know that you need to be investing for your future and the future of your loved ones. With so many different investment options available all over the world, it can be hard to choose an investment product that is right for you.
Also, with all of the current upheaval in the markets and economies in various countries globally, picking an investment or market where you can feel assured of a future return can be a scary and difficult prospect. To compound the problem further, rates offered on savings accounts is less than inflation.
With all of these obstacles to safe investment, personal ideals such as environmental responsibility may have taken a “back-seat” when choosing between investment options, as most of the “big names” in Fund Management normally overlook the “eco-friendliness” of a particular market when creating their investment products.
It can be difficult to know if your investment with some of these big name investment firms is helping or hurting your investment plans.
However there are options to picking a sound investment that you can rest assured is also beneficial to the environment;
It’s easy to learn.
An asset class that is the third largest traded commodity world-wide.
An asset class that has actually risen in 3 of the last 4 economic downturns.
Has grown over 25% in recent years.
Sustainable and fair to the environment for current and future generations.
So What Is It? – Timber!
When considering investment options, many do not realize that there are eco-friendly, sustainable options for investing in timber that can actually help to improve the environment!
Silvinvest highlights several investment opportunities that are not only “Green” but offer superb potential returns. We explain how to invest using Cash or an existing UK Personal Pension. We also offer ideas and ways to provide investment returns to support your heirs’ long term financial future.
All of the marketed Forestry Plantations covered by Silvinvest are sustainable; this means that a method of plantation management is used that ensures profitability for investors, while preserving the environment. The importance of investing in sustainable timber cannot be underestimated. Legislation is being enacted by various governing bodies to stop the illegal harvest and logging that are devastating so many of the world’s old growth forests.
By investing in Timber, you are doing your little bit to help preserve the one resource that is responsible for the following;
1.6 billion people worldwide who depend directly on forests.
The majority of the world’s oxygen.
70% of the world’s cancer fighting drugs.
Up to 30% of land surface.
Ecosystems that are totally dependent on the world’s forests for survival.
The forests that you the investor help to create and the forests you help protect will take in vast quantities of carbon dioxide through the process of sequestration. This in turn will be converted into clean, breathable air, helping to reduce the CO2 within our atmosphere.
At Silvinvest, we are marketing certain investment plantations that can provide:
Silvinvest also provides a helpful service where you can view brochures from responsible timber plantations. Access to the potential returns calculator so that any investor can quickly “crunch the numbers” associated with this investment class and easily see the potential value of investing in timber.
For example, estimates indicate that an investment of £18,000 in Costa Rican Melina Trees can be worth £104,189 at the end of a 12 year investment cycle.
Timber is a renewable resource that has been successfully traded for hundreds of years by many wise investors who have discovered the little-known fact that timber investments have generally outperformed stocks, bonds, and commodities over the long term.
This investment has remained remarkable immune to disruptions in the markets, or even political turmoil or terrorist attacks. The phenomenal growth of this industry when combined with various tax advantages, if held within a pension, that come from investing in commercial timber make this investment one that you cannot afford to at least educate yourself about before you make any decisions.
Since it is free to sign up for the newsletter and register to view brochures, downloads, investment calculators and more. Doesn’t it make sense to take a few moments of your time and learn more about the product?
Make a Change and Take Action

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