Tuesday 29 January 2013

Why would you want to build using Wood?

Why on earth a wood house?

Everybody knows that wooden houses are for children, doggies, and weirdos who live in the backwoods. Yes, they have seen the light, and now also modern intelligent people realize wood is the world’s best building material. Soon, we will have wooden bridges, arenas, houses, kindergartens, and even skyscrapers all over.

You’re going to love it.

So, has wood come into fashion? Hmmmm. Since when did it ever fall out of fashion? It’s always been the best building material whichever way you look at it.

Now get your brain around this. Relative to its weight, wood is the world’s strongest building material. That’s the way nature made it which is why building with wood is quick, easy, and economical (as all do-it-yourself women know, it’s a piece of cake) and because nature made wood so strong and flexible, tall wooden buildings remain standing even during earthquakes.

Now, here’s something for your heart.

Wood is beautiful, feels good, and has a wonderful scent, creates and excellent indoor climate and acoustics, and keeps you warm, but don’t take our word for it. If you “wood” give it a try.

Here’s something for your conscience. 

Wood is the most environmentally friendly material. It’s the only building material made by the sun, and with carbon from the air, so wood stores carbon and reduces the greenhouse effect, and it’s the only renewable material in perpetual supply forever and ever (from properly managed forests of course), and should wooden houses be demolished, you don’t end up with waste, nooooo! For wood can be recycled or burned. Thus using the solar energy stored in the wood to replace using coal, oil, and gas. Brilliant! Which is why modern intelligent people choose wood, caring


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